State vs Nation


Please pay attention to the wording “Traitor to the Qaum, Salman Khan”. The protest is for Salman Khan meeting Narendra Modi. That’s what it says on the poster.

The interesting thing about the message is not that some Muslims are protesting, but rather that Muslims consider themselves as a Qaum, a Nation of Islam, based on solidarity. Now these Muslims are not angry at Salman Khan for not abiding by some religious custom or obligation. Salman Khan is not being called a Munafiq, a non-observant Muslim. No they bring out the word “traitor” and one is a “traitor” to a group and its cause.

The Muslim Identity is a parallel identity to #Bharatiyata and it cannot be reconciled with it.

“The Idea of India” as propounded by secularists is to completely do away with the notion of “nation” and to only retain “state” for only as a “state” can India integrate both Muslims and Bharatiyas within it as “citizens”. That is the reason why Indian state has been on a continuous mission since its inception to undermine the national and indeed the civilizational aspect of India – the Bharatiya Sabhyata, the glue, besides the raw state power, which keeps Indians together.

All the secular political groups in India as such treat Indians not as Bharatiyas, but as either group interests or as “citizens”.

Now some may say that that should suffice, but it doesn’t, because a state which is not based on the foundation of a nation, doesn’t really have much respect either for itself or for its citizens. The sanctity of the contract between the State and the citizen derives from the respect a Nation has for its nationals. The State-citizen contract means nothing unless one talks about the source of sanctity of this contract. Those who propound the “Idea of India” have no idea what should be the source of this sanctity.

For all practical purposes, when the issue of “religion” comes up, the seculars treat it as if they are speaking of “Dharmic Bhaktipanths”, which in terms of Raj Dharma should all be treated the same without any fear or favor – sarva dharma sama bhava. This however is only a way of duping Indians.

So it is important that others understand the difference between “religion” and a “bhaktipanth”.

Religion is a brotherhood claiming to be divinely sanctioned, making exclusivist claims of universalism, with authority vested in those acting as guardians of theology and dogma around the divine sanction, pursuing a sociopolitical agenda.

On the other hand,

Bhaktipanth is a collective though non exclusivist pursuit of spirituality, philosophy, mythological reenactment, ritualized symbolism and devotion, in abidance with Dharma, often under the guidance of a founding traditional lineage.

The separatist, secessionist, segregationist tendency among Muslims in the Subcontinent comes not from some different Islam-based eschatological opinion but from the Muslim identity itself.

So giving foreign imperialist ideological brotherhoods the right of freedom to preach, propagate and practice religion is giving them an invitation to split the Bharatiya nationality for their own agendas.

However the right of freedom to preach, propagate and practice Dharmic Bhaktipanths is an ethical consensus ingrained into Bharatiyas since the beginning of civilization itself.

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